DAB Committees, Committee Chairs and Committee Members
Community Outreach Committee Chair: Darren Kanthal, darren@thekanthalgroup.com
Committee Members: Matt Nagy, Joe Zanone
- Accelerate relationship building among members through shared volunteer events.
- Positively impact the community.
- Partner with volunteer organizations whose vision, mission, goals and objectives align as closely as possible with those of the DAB.
- Organize and facilitate quarterly volunteer events.
- Provide “other” opportunities for DAB members to give back to the community throughout the year.
- 50% member participation goal for all volunteer activities.
- Provide opportunities at a wide variety of times, geographic locations and types to encourage all members to at least volunteer one time a year.
- Effectively communicate monthly through newsletters, the DAB's website and verbally at each monthly meeting on all upcoming community activities.
- Utilize member testimonials in communication plan to raise awareness and increase excitement among DAB membership.
- Formalize partnership with Junior Achievement (JA) in an effort to develop a long-term partnership benefiting both organizations.
- Occasionally hold networking events after activities to further relationship building.
Events Committee Chair: Bryan Guice, bguice@centleasing.com
Committee Members: David Fuller, Gregg Kunz, Dean Miller
- Organize monthly meeting catering and A/V needs.
- Organize annual events and catering for:
- New Year Kickoff Party.
- Golf/Dinner event.
- Fall Social.
- Organize Quarterly Happy Hours.
- Organize other events such as the ski day, bowling and a bike event.
- Continue to promote the events through a variety of communications (verbally at the meetings, in the newsletter, Meetup reminders).
- Increase event participation.
Member Engagement Committee Chair: Lisa Smith, lisa@puzzlehr.com
Committee Members: Lonnalee Anderson, Jeff Aronheim, Paul Heffner, Ron Jensen, Dave Johnson, Dean Miller, Bryan Schwartz
- Assist our members in gaining maximum benefit based on the DAB’s purpose: “Creating and growing professional friendships resulting in personal & business success.”
- Provide a variety of opportunities for members to engage with each other to grow relationships.
- Increase response rate in our annual survey that “Being a DAB member helps my business.”
- Increase response rate in our annual survey that “I plan to renew my DAB membership next year.”
- Achieve at least 90% retention of members annually.
New Member Committee Chair: Paul Rizzo, paul.rizzo@moodyins.com
Committee Members: Ken Galecki, Ron Jensen, Dave Johnson, Colin Kresock, Cindy Skerjanec
- Continue to expand membership in identified and targeted business sectors.
- Maintain optimal membership diversity.
- Educate members about new electronic nomination and application process.
- Reinvigorate targeted recruitment – build on progress made in the years prior.
- Ideas to get new members announcement to DAB members.
Peer Advisory Groups Committee Chair: Doug Phelps, dougmovesyou@gmail.com
Committee Members: Bob Carrothers, Anne McMichael, Kevin Sullivan, Vince Tinnirello
- Provide members an opportunity to build member relationships by knowing and understanding other PAG member’s businesses.
- Provide members a venue to receive structured peer-advisory support, insights from other business owners & executives and a forum to receive feedback, ideas, and advice from other members.
- Ensure DAB PAG Facilitators are engaged, trained and committed to their groups.
- Ensure groups work well; have proper structure and accountability.
- Assist facilitators with topic generation upon request.
Represent DAB PAG Initiative in front of membership, potential members and the public.
- Recruit both facilitators and group members.
- Help members leverage each other as “trusted resources.”
- Assist facilitators as needed with improving member accountability to their group and their group members.
- 5 PAG groups at capacity and stable.
Programs Committee Chair: Brian DeLaet, brian@educyber.com
Committee Members: Bob Carrothers, Cindy Grove, Darren Kanthal
- Enrich and enhance the DAB member experience.
- Create a positive experience for guests as prospective new members.
- Schedule speakers that can provide valuable, useful and interesting content to members at monthly meetings:
- Focus on a diversity of topics such as leadership, growing a business, communication, Colorado business and economy, and inspirational as requested by the membership.
- Provide knowledge that expands our perspective and awareness on matters connected to our business and professional lives.
- Organize panels and roundtables each year.
- Maintain an alternate networking or event plan in the event of a last minute speaker cancellation.
- Maintain speaker requirements:
- Good public speaker.
- Interesting topic.
- Applicable topic to our business or personal lives.
- Have a balance between business, local, national and international issues.
- Seek input from all DAB members for speakers and topics.
- Maintain and grow the committee and ensure members are actively involved in the selection and presentation process.
- Collaborate with the Board to identify a successor to lead the committee after an appropriate period of time.